New Suburb Record Sale Price With A $100K (12%) Premium

Wilston, QLD

When Jessica decided to sell her family home, she was very attuned to the market and aware of the variety of methods available to her to sell.

She was also keenly aware of local prices and had spoken with several of the ‘best’ local real estate agents before choosing a solution.

That solution was the Stretch Price Method through Revolutionary Real Estate.

The result she achieved with this method far exceeded her expectations and even left her ‘best’ local agents gobsmacked and red faced.

Jessica set a new suburb record with the type of property she sold, and pocketed an extra $100,000, or 12% more than her best local agents (and even what she) thought could be achieved.

Her success was even featured in a article, which you can read by clicking the image below:



Due to a strategically executed marketing campaign, Jessica’s home generated lots of interest and competition.

She received 14 offers, all of which were very reasonable.

The lowest of these was for $760,000, but it was sent in a text message, so we didn’t deem it to be as serious as the others.

Below, you can see the second lowest of all the good offers that were received:



Thanks to our highly unique negotiation and communication strategies, we were able to leverage these offers to arrive at a price that surprised and delighted all of us.

You can see what that price was on the Core Logic extract below:



The incredible premium of $82,000 (10%) between the second lowest and the highest offer was what helped Jessica set a new record for her suburb with this type of property.

This sale price of $851,000 was around $100,000 higher than Jessica’s local agents were telling her she would sell for.

It was also much higher than Jessica’s own expectations, which were somewhere in the mid-high $700K’s.

Below, you can watch what Jessica said about her experience with the Stretch Price Method: