We could not be happier with the result we achieved on the sale of our property. The price was significantly higher than a recent valuation

John and Helen
Gordon Park, QLD

Meet John and Helen.

They wanted to sell their former home in Gordon Park just north of Brisbane.

They spoke with several local agents, and according to John, most of them appraised the property at around $600,000 at the time.

John and Helen were not happy to settle for what the majority of sellers do, so they requested a consultation with me.

Thanks to the Stretch Price Method, they ended up selling for $715,000 as you can see from the evidence below, sourced from Core Logic.

This was $115,000 more or 19% higher than their local agents were appraising the property for.



If John and Helen had engaged any of the local agents who appraised their home, they would likely have sold for around $600,000.

If they were to pay the usual commissions and marketing fees, they would have pocketed around $580,000.

Thanks to this method, John and Helen were able to sell for $715,000 and after all costs, they pocketed and walked away with $680,000.

This was a massive $100,000 more than they would have ended up with if they sold with a local agent.

The $100,000 extra in their pocket included a $15,000 saving on commissions and marketing fees.

This is what John had to say after their success:

We could not be happier with the result we achieved on the sale of our property. The price was significantly higher than a recent valuation” – John Trim