New Street Record Sale Price With A $115,000 (9.5%) Uplift

Kim Jones
Peregian Springs, QLD

Kim engaged Revolutionary Real Estate after deciding that the Stretch Price Method was the best way for her to achieve the highest sale price for her family home.

The initial market research indicated that if Kim presented her home as we suggested, it would sell for somewhere between $1.1M and $1.2M.

Obviously, Kim wanted to achieve a result closer to the top of this range.

Despite 12 consecutive interest rate increases up to this point, Kim’s property generated lots of interest and offers.

Most of these offers were closer to the $1.1M level, but there was one offer that clearly stood out from the rest. You can see it below:



Despite the strength of this offer, which Kim was very happy with, we deployed our unique negotiation strategy that we have been refining for the last 11 years.

You can see the difference it made in the image below:



Kim’s buyer increased their offer by a whopping $115,000 or over 9.5%!

This result helped Kim set a new street record with her sale and a new record for this kind of home in her suburb.