Free Resources

Access free resources to boost your home's sale price.

How Little Do You Know About Selling Your Home?

This quick 1 minute quiz will show you the expensive gaps in your knowledge.

10 Hidden Traps That Guarantee You Will Undersell

Even experienced property investors don’t know about these 10 traps.

Why You Will Undersell Your Home With A Local Real Estate Agent

You will lose money underselling your home with your real estate agent, without ever realising it.

Easily Sell Your Home for 10% More Than Local Agents

The Only Proven Method That Easily Achieves A 10% Higher Sale Price For Your Home

Four Warning Signs You'll Lose Money Selling Your Home

“You will lose money on the sale of your home!”, even If You Think You’re Doing Well

The Hidden Costs of Real Estate Agents

The hidden costs of agents that are much higher than their commissions.

No Lock In Contracts

You are free to leave for any reason and you pay us ONLY based on the EXTRA we help to negotiate up for you.